Dr. Michael W. Meanwell
​BSc - University of British Columbia (2014, Professor M. Thachuk)
MSc - University of Victoria (2015, Professor T. M. Fyles)
PhD - Simon Fraser University (2020, Professor R. A. Britton)
PDF - The Scripps Research Institute (2020 - 2022, Professor P. S. Baran)
Assistant Professor - University of Alberta (2022 - Present)
Michael completed his PhD studies in organic chemistry at Simon Fraser University under the supervision of Professor Robert Britton where he worked on C-H functionalization, organocatalysis, and glycoside synthesis. Michael continued his training as a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratories of Professor Phil Baran at the Scripps Research Institute working on electrocatalysis and natural product synthesis. Dr. Meanwell began his independent career in July 2022 as the Manley and Marian Johnston Professor in Chemistry. His current research interests include synthetic methods, materials science, electrocatalysis, medicinal chemistry, and natural product synthesis.
Manley and Marian Johnston Professor in Chemsitry
Michael was named the inaugural recipient of the University of Alberta Manley and Marian Johnston Professorship in Chemistry. This position supports an assistant or associate professor whose research focuses on physical organic chemistry. Please visit Faces of Philanthropy: Manley Johnston | Faculty of Science (ualberta.ca) to learn more about this Professorship.
Research Interests
Michael's current research interests include synthetic methods, materials science, electrocatalysis, medicinal chemistry, and natural product synthesis.
Broadly speaking, Michael is dedicated to uncovering novel reactions that pave the way for more efficient methods of constructing bioactive molecules. These discoveries often hold immense potential in drug development, serving as invaluable tools for the creation of new medicines. To address synthetic challenges in drug discovery and natural product synthesis, his team leverages principles from material science, electrocatalysis, and photo-redox catalysis.
Awards and Distinctions
- Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship (Scripps Research Institute)
- NSERC PDF (declined)
- Governor General Gold Medal for best PhD Thesis (SFU)
- Selected to attend the prestigious Nobel Lindau Laurate Meeting in Chemistry (2022)
- Manley and Marian Johnston Professorship in Chemistry
- Editorial Board Member at Communications Chemistry (Nature, 2023-present)